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Read this article if you are a non-EU student, equated or resident abroad, interested in taking the IMAT 2024, the test for admission to medicine in English.

Below we will explain how registration for IMAT works for non-EU citizens.

Difference between equated and non-EU students

How to register for the IMAT?  First of all, it is important to understand the difference between non-EU equivalent candidates and those residing abroad.

The requirements to be considered equivalent non-EU candidates are:

  • have citizenship in a non-EU country but be in possession of one of the following residence permits issued by the Italian Government for:
    • residence card Article 50 TEU – Art 18.4 EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement;
    • political asylum or subsidiary protection or special reasons;
    • employed, self-employed or for investors;
    • acts of particular civil value;
    • long-term residents;
      family reasons;
    • religious reasons;
    • magnet.
  • have citizenship in a non-EU country but have resided regularly in Italy for at least one year and have an upper secondary school qualification obtained in Italy which gives access to the chosen course of study;
  • have citizenship in a non-EU country, have obtained the qualification in Italy that gives access to the chosen course of study and hold a valid residence permit for study purposes;
  • have citizenship in a non-EU country, be enrolled in a study course at an Italian university, hold a valid residence permit for study purposes and intend to apply for transfer or passage for the following academic year;
  • have citizenship in a non-EU country and be part (themselves or a parent or spouse) of the staff serving in foreign diplomatic missions and international bodies based in Italy, accredited by the Italian State or the Holy See.

Instead, non-EU candidates who are not equated are citizens of a non-EU country, resident outside Italy or in any case do not meet the requirements to be equated with EU citizens. UK citizens resident outside Italy are also considered “non-EU citizens resident abroad”.

Be careful, in the case of candidates with dual citizenship, one of which is Italian or from another EU country, Italian citizenship or that of the EU country prevails.

IMAT registration 2024: how to apply

The application procedure for the IMAT 2024 will be outlined, as usual, in the IMAT call for applications, which is usually published by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) in the summer. The 2024 IMAT call for applications was published on August 6th.

This first phase is common to all candidates, UE, non-EU equivalent and non-EU residents abroad included.

Here is how to register for the IMAT 2024 from September 2 until September 12 at 3:00 PM:

  1. The application to take the IMAT admission test must be made online through the Universitaly IMAT 2024 page at this link;
  2. After registering on the portal, you will need to read and accept the terms and conditions for the processing of your data. Then, you must enter the following personal information:
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Country of birth
  • Province of birth
  • City of birth
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Citizenship
  • Tax code
  • Email
  • Document type
  • Document number
  • Issuing authority
  • Document validity
  • Country of residence, Province of residence, Locality of residence, CAP, Address
  • Telephone/cell phone (for communication in case of no email address)
  • Any language certification held.
  1. The next step is to indicate your preferences for the locations where you wish to study, which can be modified up to a deadline indicated in the call for applications.
  2. Finally, you must pay the IMAT test participation fee following the instructions on the Universitaly portal. Payment not accompanied by the online registration receipt does not allow you to participate in the IMAT test.

Pay attention: if the candidate intends to take the test in an Italian location, the first option automatically constitutes the location where he or she must take the test. If candidates wish to take the test abroad, they must choose a foreign location from those available.

Registration for IMAT for non-EU citizens 2024

To correctly register for the IMAT 2024 test you must carefully read the notice published by the university where you intend to enroll because the procedure involves a first phase common to all candidates, non-EU equivalent and non-EU residents abroad included, but every university is free to require students to take additional steps, plus the visa application.

  1. As written above, the firs phase is common to all candidates and it includes online registration for the test, in the time window foreseen by the announcement. At the end of the first phase, you must proceed with the payment of the IMAT participation fee, according to the methods published on Universitaly.
  2. Next, non-EU equivalent and non-EU candidates residing abroad may need to complete other steps. For example, the non-EU equivalent candidate who intends to attend the degree course in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna must connect to the Studenti Online website and register at IMAT as a “non-EU equivalent citizen”. Instead, the non-EU candidate residing abroad must register as a “non-EU citizen residing abroad”.

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+100.000 students got into healthcare Universities in Italy thanks to our preparation courses and test’s simulation platform. 

Pass the IMAT test by attending WAU’s online course: lessons from expert teachers, support from tutors and WAU Student Care and test simulations to take the exam successfully.

What are you waiting for?

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How to apply for a visa

Non-EU candidates residing abroad must apply for an entry study visa, including Chinese students of the Marco Polo project.

Specifically, they must submit a pre-enrolment application for the course of study for which they intend to enroll via Universitaly and request a study visa from the competent Italian diplomatic representation, in time to:

  • take the IMAT, in case they need a visa even for short stays in Italy;
  • complete registration.

For updated and detailed information on the visa, go to the site dedicated to foreign students who want to study in Italy.

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