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Do you want to study medicine in English? Here you will find updated information on the IMAT medical test, the admission test for access to Medicine and Dentistry in English at Italian Medical Schools.
Read the latest news on IMAT 2024: date, announcement, test structure, registration, ranking, places, universities in which to study.
What is the IMAT test? The acronym IMAT stands for International Medical Admissions Test. This is the mandatory test for access to single-cycle master’s degree courses in Medicine and Dentistry in English in public universities, intended for EU and non-EU students.
The structure of the test, the registration procedure and the functioning of the ranking are governed by the decree issued by the MUR, Ministry of University. The IMAT 2023 call for applications was published on 7 August.
When does IMAT take place? The Imat 2024 test date is 17 September.
What is the structure of the medical test in English? The test includes 60 multiple choice questions with 5 alternatives, of which only one is correct, to be answered in 100 minutes.
The questions of the IMAT test 2024 are divided by subject in this way:
The calculation of the score includes:
The IMAT program is indicated in the decree law. The subjects to be studied for the IMAT are: reading skills and knowledge acquired in studies (general knowledge), logical reasoning and problems, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
The questions, in the form of short texts of scientific non-fiction or classic and contemporary fiction, or short current affairs texts published in newspapers and generalist or specialized magazines, evaluate the ability to understand texts written in English of different nature and with different purposes. different communications. The following skills are also specifically tested: understanding abstract, uncommon or specialized vocabulary in real contexts; identify the phenomena of textual cohesion and coherence; extract and infer specific information from the text. Again starting from short texts of various types and themes, the skills acquired in previous studies and the knowledge of general culture, including those of a supranational context, or of topics subject to contemporary public debate will be verified. In particular, the quizzes are used to evaluate: the ability to orient oneself in the space and time represented, or to place significant historical-cultural phenomena in space and time; knowledge of the main national and international institutions; the understanding of phenomena relating to the legal, economic and citizenship fields;
The quizzes evaluate the ability to logically complete an argument, in a manner consistent with the premises. These premises are stated in symbolic or verbal form, and concern cases or problems, even of an abstract nature, the solution of which requires the adoption of different forms of logical reasoning;
The chemistry of living things; the biological importance of weak interactions; the organic molecules present in organisms and their respective functions; the role of enzymes; the cell as the basis of life; cell theory, cell dimensions, the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, animal and plant, viruses; the cell membrane: structure and functions, transport across the membrane; cellular structures and their specific functions; cell cycle and cellular reproduction: mitosis and meiosis, chromosome complement and chromosome maps; bioenergetics; the energy currency of cells: ATP; oxidation-reduction reactions in living things; energy processes: photosynthesis, glycolysis, aerobic respiration and fermentation; reproduction and inheritance; life cycles; sexual and asexual reproduction; Mendelian genetics: Mendel’s laws and their applications; classical genetics: chromosomal theory of inheritance – inheritance models; molecular genetics: structure and duplication of DNA, the genetic code, protein synthesis; the DNA of prokaryotes; the structure of the eukaryotic chromosome; genes and the regulation of gene expression; human genetics: mono- and multifactorial transmission of traits; autosomal and X-linked hereditary diseases; biotechnology: recombinant DNA technology and its applications; heredity and environment; mutations; natural and artificial selection; evolutionary theories; the genetic basis of evolution; anatomy and physiology of animals and humans; animal tissues; anatomy and physiology of human systems and systems and related interactions; homeostasis.
Measurements: direct and indirect measurements, fundamental and derived quantities, physical dimensions of quantities, knowledge of the decimal metric system and of the CGS, Technical (or Practical) (ST) and International (SI) Systems of Units of Measurement, of the units of measurement (names and relationships between fundamental and derived units), multiples and submultiples (names and values); kinematics: kinematic quantities, various motions with particular attention to uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, uniform circular motion, harmonic motion (for all motions: definition and relationships between the connected kinematic quantities); dynamics: vectors and operations on vectors, forces, moments of forces with respect to a point, moment of a pair of forces, vector composition of forces, definitions of mass and weight, acceleration of gravity, density and specific weight, law of universal gravitation, 1st, 2nd and 3rd principles of dynamics; work, kinetic energy, potential energies; principle of conservation of energy, impulse and momentum, principle of conservation of momentum; fluid mechanics pressure, and its units of measurement (not only in the SI system), Archimedes’ principle, Pascal’s principle, Stevino’s law, Archimedes’ principle; thermology, thermodynamics: thermometry and calorimetry, heat capacity and specific heat, heat propagation modes, changes of state and latent heats, ideal gas laws, first and second law of thermodynamics; electrostatics and electrodynamics: Coulomb’s law; electric field and potential, dielectric constant, capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, direct current, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s principles, electrical resistance and resistivity, electrical resistors in series and parallel, work, power, Joule effect, generators, electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, effects of electric currents (thermal, chemical and magnetic);
Numerical sets and algebra: natural, integer, rational, real numbers, ordering and comparison, order of magnitude and scientific notation, operations and their properties, proportions and percentages, powers with integer exponent, rational and their properties, radicals and their properties , logarithms (in base 10 and in base e) and their properties, notes on combinatorics, algebraic expressions, polynomials, notable products, nth power of a binomial, factorization of polynomials, algebraic fractions, algebraic equations and inequalities of first and second degree, systems of equations; functions: fundamental notions on functions and their graphic representations (domain, codomain, study of the sign, continuity, maximums and minimums, increase and decrease, etc.); elementary functions: integer and fractional algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, goniometric, composite functions and inverse functions, goniometric equations and inequalities; geometry: polygons and their properties, circumference and circle, measurements of lengths, surfaces and volumes, isometries, similarities and equivalences in the plane, geometric places, measurement of angles in degrees and radians, sine, cosine, tangent of an angle and their notable values , goniometric formulas, resolution of triangles, Cartesian reference system in the plane, distance of two points and midpoint of a segment, equation of the line, conditions of parallelism and perpendicularity, distance of a point from a line, equation of the circle, of the parabola , of the hyperbola, of the ellipse and their representation in the Cartesian plane, Pythagorean theorem, Euclid’s theorems (first and second); probability and statistics: frequency distributions depending on the type of character and main graphical representations, notion of random experiment and event, probability and frequency.
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What are you waiting for?
Registration for IMAT must be done online on the Universitaly portal, in the time window indicated in the announcement, in July. Registrations for 2024 are open from 2 September to 3pm on 12 September.
After registering on the site, you must enter the requested personal information and the universities you are applying for, in order of preference.
Finally, you have to pay the IMAT test participation fee. How much does the IMAT test cost? The cost is GBP 114.00, EUR 130.00, USD 164.00, as reported on Universitaly.
For all the details on registration, if you are an EU or non-EU candidate, go to how to register for the IMAT exam.
The IMAT ranking is unique and national for candidates from EU and non-EU countries. Instead, for non-EU non-resident candidates it is drawn up by individual universities.
To be eligible for inclusion in the ranking, EU and non-EU equivalent participants must achieve a minimum of 20 points. This threshold does not apply to non-EU non-residents. These candidates must achieve a score above zero.
The ranking is published approximately 2 weeks after the test. Each candidate will find the words assigned, booked, waiting or full places next to their name. If assigned, you have 4 days to enrol; if booked, you can enroll or wait for subsequent scrolling.
The maximum IMAT score is 90 points, calculated based on the points assigned to the answers given.
If you want to know how the ranking works exactly, read the article dedicated to the IMAT ranking.
How many places are there for the IMAT? About 2024, the available IMAT places are a total of 961 for EU and non-EU equivalents and 453 for non-EU non-equivalents, divided as follows:
We remind you that to these we must add the places for Medicine in English in private universities.
Read IMAT seats 2024 to discover the list of spots available in public universities and spots in private universities.
In 2024, there is a total of 20 Italian universities with an active Medical degree course in English, plus the 2 with a Dentistry course in English.
Here is the list of state universities where you can study medicine in English:
Instead, the private universities, in which the medical entrance test in English takes place on different dates and has different registration and performance methods were:
If you want to study medicine in English to have more job opportunities, know that the 6 years of study are not the only obstacle to working abroad as a doctor.
In fact, your degree will also be valid in the United States, but to practice you will have to pass the USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Examination. The good news is that medical schools in Italy prepare you for this exam.
The main difference between the Medical course in Italian and the one in English is that in the second case you will have the opportunity to perfect the language, both in the scientific field during courses and exams, and through interaction with students from all over the world. world.
If you are undecided between the traditional course and the one in English, read what is best to study medicine in Italian or English.
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